Social Media - Spacejump Media Private Limited

Social Media Audit

we use a variety of tools
to dive deep into your
social presence.

Our social audit looks at your key competitors too, bench marking your performance against industry leaders and making recommendations on how you can out-perform them and gain an online share of voice. We’ll also examine their latest content and campaigns, offering insight as to how they’re engaging their audience and how you can use this in your own social campaigns.

Social Media Amplification

Strong content asset
must always be followed
by a Strong Promotional Plan

Social media amplification helps you engage your audience by sharing content that actually resonates with their wants and needs. It also helps your brand stand out from the crowd as a trusted thought leader in your industry. If your content is shared by a qualified audience,it generates positive conversations about your brand and helps you achieve your content marketing goals.

Explore the Opportunities

Unlimited Areas Of Our Social Offerings

A solid SEO strategy combines technical optimization, content optimization, and authority optimization. At Space jump we have practitioners in each of these, ensuring your website ranks well in the SERP's and drives traffic to your website.

Cross-platform activation

Our team of experts manages accounts and campaigns across Facebook, Instagram, twitter & Printrest.

Budget Optimization

Our tools make sure daily budgets and bids are set at the level to drive the best possible performance.

Ad Optimization

We constantly rotate ads and test multiple variations and formats within each campaign to avoid ad fatigue.